Automotive Dealer Services - Share our Experience!

Automotive Dealer Services brings together a wealth of experience, making it the most comprehensive warranty administrator in Australia.   The principal of the business has been in the Extended Warranty Industry since 1984, brings to the Motor Industry a wealth of knowledge and value.  We currently have a network of over 80 Motor Vehicle & Marine Dealers that we have a personal working relationship.

With over 30 years experience in the warranty, marketing and administration industry, Automotive Dealer Services lead the way in terms of developing genuine warranty programs that actually benefit the end user.  We have specifically tailored programs to suit a Dealerships needs - not just a one size fits all warranty programs.

Automotive Dealer Services not only relies on its experience but heavily invests in the most up to date technology to bring forward many new and exciting innovations that meet the primary goal of enhancing dealer profitability and customer service retention.

Automotive Dealer Services role is to manage the claim with the least inconvenience to the customer and the most cost-effective repair method for the Dealership concerned.

Most of the warranty programs have been designed to increase New and Used Vehicle Service Retention for our Dealers. We now offer the largest and most comprehensive range of warranty products in Australia.  We can also tailor a program specifically for any Dealership.

Our managed self-funded programs are retaining more than 60% of our Dealers Used Vehicle customers as service clients and most Dealers are retaining over 80% of the New Vehicle customer as service clients.

Automotive Dealer Services can implement fully automated service reminders and follow-up systems that do not require any staff input once installed.

We would be pleased to offer you an obligation free appraisal for your Dealership.

Our Mission

Our mission is to maximize customer loyalty, service retention and profitability for our Automotive and Marine Dealers through continuing development of user-friendly programs.

Privacy Statement

Automotive Dealer Services shall keep secret & confidential and shall not unless required by law, disclose to any third party without the written consent of the Dealer any information, data, reports, accounts, customer lists or other documents supplied by the Dealer to Automotive Dealer Services will be taken into such reasonable precautions necessary to maintain secrecy & confidential and prevent disclosure. 

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Use the menu above to visit the rest of our site and learn about our unique products and services, and how our programs & technology can help your business.